RavensBy R.M. McDonaldRelease Date: April 2nd, 2025
Preorder the eBook Now! As an asset of the Raven Program, Tripoli has been exposed to an endless stream of valuable intelligence and, what a Raven doesn’t come by honestly, they steal. Considered one of the Agency’s most effective Ravens, Tripoli has hung on the arms of spies and diplomats alike, being whatever they want her to be while she carries out her own objective.
But when Tripoli is assigned to play the role of “wife” to the enigmatic British agent, York, things get off to a tense start. Not only is he gorgeous, but he isn’t like any other spy she’s worked with before. Sucked into his aura of arrogant charm, Tripoli is blind to the red flags of the assignment, and him. As his charm and her patience wear thin, though, Tripoli discovers that York’s real mission is her. |